Full-Service Recruitment Agency in Bulgaria

Check out our fresh opportunities!
Fast, easy and risk-free.

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Are you an employer?

Want to reach professionals in the Bulgarian IT and Digital industries? Blue Lynx is here to make it possible. We know the Bulgarian market well and where to find the experts you need.

Are you a job seeker?

Searching for a job? Bulgaria is buzzing with talent and opportunities and we have broad experience in the International Recruitment field. See our current positions and apply now.

Fully Customisable Recruitment

IT Recruitment

We fully arrange the IT recruitment process for your company’s needs. We reach the right people and find the perfect match for you.

Talent Acquisition

We source our large network of Bulgarian professionals, reach the right people and find the perfect match for your criteria.

Job Advertising

We promote your jobs on our social media channels and job boards. We also offer paid advertising options for your needs.


We can employ people on your behalf and assist you with HR documentation, administrative tasks and payroll. 

Companies who trust us

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Ready To Give It a Try? No Cure, No Pay.

Give us a call at +359 879 807 448 or write us at sales@bluelynx.com