The Blue Lynx Blog

Whether you are a candidate who wants to take their career to the next level or a hiring manager in search of the best employment practices, we have something for everyone. Get comfortable and read on.

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Leadership in Action: Empowering LGBTQ+ Colleagues through Allyship

Leadership in Action: Empowering LGBTQ+ Colleagues through Allyship

In today’s diverse workplaces, leaders have a crucial role to play in creating a safe and supportive environment for their employees, including members of the LGBTQ+ community.  Did you know that Iran, Northern Nigeria, Saudi Arabia, Somalia and Yemen retain the death penalty for LGBTQ+ people? Furthermore, it still remains a “legal possibility” in Afghanistan,…

Job hopping

Job Hopping: Pros, Cons, and Career Adventures to Ignite Success

In today’s dynamic and challenging job market, job hopping has gained significant traction, particularly among Millennials and Gen Z. Job hopping refers to the trend of frequently changing jobs within a relatively short time. This article delves into the motivations behind job hopping and explores its impact on both job seekers and employers.  We will…

European Mental Health Week Article

Celebrating Mental Health with European Mental Health Week 2023

To address the growing concerns surrounding mental health, European Mental Health Week (EMHW) has emerged as a significant campaign to raise awareness, educate the public, and promote mental well-being across the continent. This annual event has gained prominence as a platform to challenge the stigma surrounding mental health issues, provide support, and encourage open discussions…

Job requirements: Education vs. experience

Job requirements: education or experience?

Whether education or experience is more important for landing a desired job is a common concern among job seekers.  Possessing a strong educational background can exhibit a deep understanding of a particular field and provide valuable transferable skills.  Meanwhile, practical experience can offer a more nuanced understanding of the challenges and opportunities of a particular…

5 Reasons To Build Strong Employer Branding

5 Reasons To Build Strong Employer Branding

Before diving into the reasons why building a strong employer brand is essential for recruitment, it’s important to define what an employer brand is. An employer brand represents the way a company is perceived as an employer, both by current and potential employees. It includes factors such as the company’s values, culture, reputation, and work…

The Power of Soft Skills in Today's Workplace

The Power of Soft Skills in Today’s Workplace: 6 Benefits of Hiring Candidates with Strong Soft Skills

Soft skills are the personal attributes, communication abilities, and interpersonal qualities that enable us to work well with others and succeed in our careers. While technical skills are still important, it is often the soft skills that distinguish top performers from average ones. The ability to communicate effectively, work collaboratively, and adapt to changing circumstances…

Unlocking the Connection between Sleep, Work, and Productivity The Importance of Quality Rest for Optimal Performance

The Connection between Sleep, Work, and Productivity

Sleep, work, and productivity are all interconnected and have a significant impact on each other. Lack of sleep can lead to decreased work performance and productivity, while a productive workday can often result in better quality sleep. In this article, we’ll explore the connection between sleep, work, and productivity, and how they can affect each…

Attracting Talent and Driving Innovation The Role of Sustainability in Modern Business [Headline]

Attracting Talent and Driving Innovation: 5 Ideas To Bring Sustainable Practices to Your Business

Sustainability has become a buzzword in modern business and for good reason. Аccording to the International Energy Agency, global CO2 emissions from energy use rose by 1.5 billion tonnes in 2021, reaching a new all-time high. With the effects of climate change becoming more apparent each year, businesses have a tremendous responsibility.  The role of…


7 most common interview questions in 2023

Job interviews are an essential aspect of the hiring process, and they can be a daunting experience for many job seekers. But what if we told you that there’s a hack that can help you ace your next interview?   Being prepared for a job interview is important as it shows your interest in the position…

Toxic productivity

What is toxic productivity and can we overcome it

What is toxic productivity? Productivity is often seen as a positive attribute, one that is essential for success in both personal and professional life. It is a measure of how efficiently and effectively we can get things done. However, the pursuit of productivity can sometimes have negative consequences, leading to what is known as “toxic…